Archive for November, 2013

Sophisticated People (person)

I can only write my rough drafts
With a bic

Final drafts
With a pilot

Stress free
Before a slam

No lemonade
Before a performance

It works

For me

Last night I had the pleasure and opportunity to attend Verbal Mayhem, a place that has helped my growth as a writer and performer tremendously. It was a great feeling seeing the whole room packed PLUS people being upset because the sign up list was closed. I had to pull a little seniority to get on hah. Couldn’t stay for the whole thing, life is definitely different from back in the day when I stayed until midnight at poetry events and had to be at school for 8 in the morning. Coming back gave me inspiration to do some writing… some good writing lol.

Bat Signal

Last night I had the opportunity to slam for the first time in what seems like forever. The slam was hosted by “Loser Slam” a group that I have been affiliated with throughout my performance “career” lol and I was a part of their 08 and 09 slam teams. Nervous wasn’t even the word – I had a piece that I was memorizing for the past two days that I said to myself “no way” as far as going on stage with it. I calmed down after the first round and managed to pull through as the victor. It felt good getting back on stage though I know I can’t do it as much as I used to. My brother Omar was the feature and he killed it as usual. Up next, getting my music together, Verbal Mayhem on Wednesday and a slam in BK on Friday.